
Symptoms of low thyroid function

Weight gain despite adhering to a low-calorie diet
Morning headaches that wear off as the day progresses
Hypersensitivity to cold weather
Poor circulation and numbness in hands and feet
 Muscle cramps while at rest 
Slow wound healing
 Excessive amount of sleep required to function properly
Chronic digestive problems, such as lack of stomach acid (hypochlorhydria)
Itchy, dry skin
Dry or brittle hair
Hair falls out easily
Dry skin
Edema, especially facial swelling (myxedema)
Loss of outermost portion of eyebrows

Why only testing TSH is a model of failure

Measuring TSH is the most common way to assess thyroid function, and many doctors will prescribe thyroid medications based on TSH alone. When they see that a person’s TSH level is high, most physicians assume that the pituitary is producing extra hormone because the thyroid gland isn’t doing its job. The solution? Giving medication to boost thyroid performance. But numerous other factors come into play. For instance, measuring TSH alone does not convey pituitary function, whether thyroid hormones are working normally throughout the body, or whether an autoimmune disorder is the culprit. 

Why we can't loose weight with hypothyroidism

One of the most frustrating symptoms of hypothyroidism is the inability to lose weight, even when calories are low and hours logged on the treadmill are high. Hypothyroidism simply slows down the body’s overall metabolism and fat burning. For instance, the adrenal hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine that enhance fat burning lose power when the thyroid is underactive. What’s more, low thyroid function makes it harder for the body to burn fat by shutting down the sites on the cells that respond to lipase, an enzyme that metabolizes fat. So not only does stored fat refuse to budge, but also the inability to burn fat for energy contributes to fatigue and chronic cravings for sweet and starchy foods. Lastly, since hypothyroidism hinders human growth hormone, building muscle through exercise is difficult if not impossible and muscle loss can occur.

Why poor memory & foggy brain is common with hypothyroidism

People with low thyroid function absorb glucose more slowly than normal and their cells don’t use its energy as readily. As brain is the most voracious consumer of glucose, slow glucose metabolism directly affect the brain working. Furthermore, once glucose is absorbed, the body falls behind in eliminating it. Put together, this creates hypoglycemia, or too little sugar available for energy, with symptoms of fatigue, irritability, and light-headedness. The problem is not too little glucose in the blood, but rather that that the glucose can’t get into the cells.

Why I bloat, feel heartburn & produce gas

Most people think of stomach acid as bad, the sort of thing that causes heartburn. In fact, sufficient stomach acid prevents heartburn by thoroughly digesting your food (The burning sensation from heartburn is actually from the poorly digested food rotting in your gut and shooting up into your esophagus, not from excess stomach acid.) Sufficient stomach acid, or hydrochloric acid (HCl), prevents food poisoning, parasites, and other bad bugs from gaining a foothold in your digestive tract. Lastly, plenty of HCl stimulates the gallbladder and pancreas to complete digestion and preserve the integrity of the whole gastrointestinal tract. The production of HCl depends on the hormone gastrin, which diminishes with hypothyroidism. This can cause such digestive complaints as heartburn, bloating, and gas; hinder the absorption of such vital nutrients as B12, iron, and calcium; and lead to inflammation, lesions, and infections of the intestines.

Why I have low iron levels

Hypothyroidism can lead to anemia in two different ways. For instance, anemia resulting from a B12 and folic acid deficiency usually stems from low stomach acid, one possible consequence of hypothyroidism. Secondly, about 12 % of people with hypothyroidism have pernicious anemia, an disorder in which the body’s immune system destroys a compound in the stomach lining necessary for the absorption of B12. Given that the vast majority of hypothyroid cases are also an autoimmune disorder(Hashimoto) in which the body destroys its own thyroid gland, it’s not surprising that a hyperactive and malfunctioning immune system can lead to both pernicious anemia and Hashimoto hypothyroidism.

What is Hashimoto's disease? & what causes it ?

Hashimoto’s disease, is an autoimmune disease that destroys thyroid tissue, & the most common cause of hypothyroidism. There is no specific cause of it but certain physiological conditions can set the stage for Hashimoto’s. These include gluten intolerance, estrogen surges, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), vitamin D deficiency, environmental toxicity, chronic infections and inflammation, and genetic susceptibility to the condition. However stress is the biggest factor when looking at the brew that makes up an autoimmune disease. The person with Hashimoto’s would do well to create a less stressful lifestyle or find ways to mitigate stress in order to better modulate the disease. Stress does many things to upset immune regulation: It suppresses immune function, promotes immune imbalances, weakens and atrophies the thymus gland, and thins the barriers of the gut, lungs, and brain.

Why my medicines are not working

When it comes to the practice of functional medicine and returning the body to a state of wellness, hormone replacement therapy, including the inappropriate use of thyroid medications, can throw so many systems into disarray that an expert must do some probing to know where to begin undoing the damage. When a person uses exogenous hormones, she is flooding her body with an unnatural amount of hormones. This causes dysfunction in a number of ways. For one, the receptor sites for that hormone on the cells become less active in an attempt at self-protection. Thyroid hormones can’t get into the cells, even though they are abundant in the bloodstream. As a result, a person can be on thyroid medication and yet have symptoms of hypothyroidism. Hormone production also depends upon the “finely tuned” communication between the brain (the hypothalamus and pituitary glands) and the hormone glands, based on feedback the brain gets on hormone activity in the body. If the brain senses there is not enough of a particular hormone in the bloodstream, it tells the glands to make more. If it senses there is too much, a message goes out to slow production.

 What medicines do ?

When a person floods her system with hormone creams or pills, the brain gets the message no hormones are needed and the “feedback loop” between the brain and the gland slows down or becomes dormant. After a while, it shuts down completely and is forever lost. The gland atrophies and becomes useless, and those hormone creams or pills become a medical necessity. Excess hormones become a health risk, especially in the case of estrogen for non-menopausal women. Hormone creams cause excess amounts of the hormone to accumulate in body fat, especially in obese persons. With the buildup of any hormone, the liver is put under tremendous stress to break down those hormones so they can exit the body. Chronically overburdening the liver causes it to slow down, become congested, and falter in its many functions. Poor liver function leads to all sorts of problems, including high cholesterol, inflammation, and poor immunity. But because the liver cannot properly break down the hormones for elimination, these hormones can go back into the bloodstream in an even more toxic form than when they entered the liver. This is is especially true with estrogen, which can lead to breast cancer, endometriosis, premenstrual syndrome, ovarian cysts, cervical dysplasia, endometrial cancer, prostate carcinoma and hyperplasia, menopause, and andropause (“male menopause”). Elevated estrogen also directly affects thyroid function by hampering the conversion of T4 to active forms of the thyroid hormone T3 in the liver and by creating too many thyroid-binding proteins so that thyroid hormones can’t get into the cells.
 To make matters worse, if a doctor orders hormone tests for a person taking exogenous hormones, the results may show a hormone deficiency. Why? these tests only measure the natural hormones the body is making and do not measure synthetic or non-natural forms of hormones. Additionally, the use of hormone creams and pills inhibits the production of natural hormones so that they are low. When the excessive or prolonged use of hormone creams and pills creates symptoms of hormone deficiency, and then inappropriate lab testing confirms the deficiency, what does your average doctor do? That’s right, How those hormone pills and potions rob you of thyroid health he prescribes even higher doses of hormones.


How to get rid of thyroid related problems ?

Thyroid patients can get some relief by lifestyle changes and eating a Whole-Food Plant based diet. We have provided free healthy recipes which can help you with your thyroid problems and may make it to remission. 

Programs – 

We offer Thyroid Remission Program to patients who wish to have a customized diet plan made according to their needs and consultation with our experts. This program have many benefits as you can ask any kind of doubts with our team anytime and will have a supervised treatments with proper blood testing and much more !!

Every human being is author of his own health or disease.
